Instructor Led Activity Days in your School

Three Instructors will work with your pupils and staff to deliver activities at your school.  

Possible activities include: Team Building/Problem Solving Challenges—Orienteering—Air and Water Powered Rockets—Kite Making and Flying (subject to suitable outdoor space)

Instructors will work with small groups of up to 15 pupils each or are able to work with slightly larger groups with the support of teachers/TAs.

Activities usually run for between 60 and 90  minutes depending on the number of classes you have in each year group and the structure of your timetable. We will work with you to maximise the time we can give to each class.

Cost: dependent on number of pupils and sessions per day.  Please call 01621 891213 for details.


As part of our work on the recovery curriculum, we engaged the team at Fairplay House to help rebuild a sense of community both amongst our staff team during our INSET day and across KS1 & KS2. Over the course of a week, the team worked with all year groups on a variety of outdoor learning tasks and challenges which were both closely aligned to our school’s values and the work of Barry Carpenter. We were hugely impressed with the meticulous level of consideration given by the team both in relation to COVID and in relation to how this work fitted within the work being done in class. Our children and staff not only enjoyed the opportunity but also felt a greater sense of connection with individuals that they had not seen or worked with for a considerable period of time.

Winsor Primary School